Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Of TEACHER' S DAY in India
Though I as a teacher remain extremely heartened to receive good wishes on the Teacher's Day however it is difficult to appreciate the underlying logic of it. Why should we celebrate as Teacher's Day the birth date of someone who became the President of India from being a teacher. One would wish to celebrate Teacher's Day when a President would step down from his presidency and start to teach. How can someone who has left the teaching so as to hold the presidency be an ideal for teaching profession. Is it celebration and elevation of teachers or presidents!
It seems that we are so dissatisfied with teaching as a profession that the only great moment for teachers can be when they become presidents! Alas, We hope for a day and a nation which will celebrate teachers day when someone from the highest post would resign in order to become a teacher...That would truly be a moment to celebrate for all the teachers. I bid adieu and leave you with these immortal words of Sufi poet Omar Khayyam:
Ah love! could you and I with Him conspire
To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits - and then
Re-mould it nearer to the heart's desire!
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Anna Hazare Movement: Some Reflections
The Indian left has branded the movement as typically "middle class" as it's definitional limits remains confined to corruption only as governmental one. What about the corruption of Global Capital/ Corporate sector, NGOs and Media itself asks Arundhati Roy in her critique of the movement. Partha Chatterjee in his article AGAINST CORRUPTION = AGAINST POLITICS argues on similar lines as he believes that the movement of Anna is a movement of Neo-Liberal Capitalist class which has emerged post 1991 and therefore the issue of corruption in public sector (which no more remains to be the most coveted sector for middle class Indians in the neo liberal era of corporatization). The less reflective thinkers have simply branded the movement as proto-fascist or even compared it to Kar seva type RSS oriented movement.
Marxists have defined the movement as one which leads us away from REAL issues of class struggle and thus is a part and parcel of ruse of bourgeoisie politics. The dalit activists are also all too unhappy with the 'vande matram' and 'Bharat Mata ki Jai' slogans and indeed they are, sadly, having a demonstration at Jantar Mantar tomorrow, 5th September 2011 against the Anna campaign!
So much so. But let us begin with asking certain basic questions. What is the role of Middle Class in India? Are we naive enough to fool ourselves into believing that Middle Class will help to strengthen the struggle of the working classes? No middle class in the world has ever done that...Middle class can only represent the anger felt due to a system which is tilted towards ruling classes. Of course, middle class remains imbued in an aspiration to be like the ruling classes. The point is that middle classes of India are having a struggle in its own manner so why not be a part of it and then critically give some direction on the lines of our heart's desire rather than boycotting it.
When the left says that the movement is taking us away from the real issues the it is pertinent to ask if there is any movement in India which is closer to addressing the REAL issues? Which is that movement? Then why can't Arundhati had joined the movement (as her erstwhile comrade Medha Patkar did) and appealed to include the issues of Global Capital? The left intellectuals are behaving in an ultra elitist fashion. As someone described them as eating cashew nuts and sipping tea when masses are on roads. This cashew-nut-intellectualism does not even recognize the fact that Anna-movement, though limited in scope, signals towards to hidden potential in people against the establishment which is required to be given a proper direction.
Women with children participated in this movement which predominantly remained without any destruction of public property, riot or other forms of obscenity. It is sad to even compare something like this to Kar Seva of Babri Demolition! What if the left intellectual class had joined the campaign and infused their critiques so as to use the mass support to further their agenda. This is an opportunity missed by the Left again. History is testimony to the fact that even BJP and Left parties fought the battle together in 1975 Emergency against the establishment. And left swept Bengal in 1977 when in 1971 there was Congress government in Bengal.
May be it is true that all those who joined the Anna campaign were not well-versed with the technical legal provisions of Lok Pal Bill. However, should that make us callously ignore the reality that so many people participated in the campaign against establishment with HONESTY? Because this to me is the key to understand the Anna movement. Intelligentsia should not not be blinded towards this fact unless it has become incorrigibly dis-topic. Anna movement represents a non-violent move of the middle classes against the establishment and every serious minded person who can dream for a change should not oppose it. The question is not that we support Anna or not the question is should we recognize the spirit of 'We, the people...' and find ways to transform it for a more meaningful struggle against establishment.
Those who are against the masses involved in this process seems to be echoing the old sarcastic phrase of Bertolt Brecht that if people can't be trusted to vote properly "let us change the People!" If that is what is the standpoint of the post-modern intelligentsia I leave it to the reader to decide as to what would be the revolutionary future of India!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Sans Law and Culture...
Sometimes (in fact most times) I wonder the futility of staying back
As much as I wonder the futility of running away
For it’s like an unending unstoppable fall from a cliff
Into an abysmal pit
Staying back or running away might change the track
But not the power of gravity.
So I let myself fall.
But sometimes (these are really sometimes) when I feel the turbulence in my stomach
That falling produces (same like the downward journey of the giant wheel)
And the vomity feeling that ensues
I feel like staying back
Or running away.
Staying back where
Running away where
Is there a place without the power of gravity
Without tall cliffs and dark pits
Where I take charge and say yes to no and no to yes
Where eyes speak like smiles when mouths choose to stay mum.
I like the blue oceans that I have never seen
And the naughty tides that I have never met
The way I like eyes without secrets of falling-feeling
And the smiles without choked words
And the footsteps that sometimes (these are some sometimes) scare me
And sometimes (in fact at all times) soothe me to a sleep without nightmares.
This world calls me
But I don’t know its way
Staying back? Running away? Or keep falling?
Friday, March 18, 2011
Send this (mail) to at least 5 people and your life will improve.
1-4 people: Your life will improve slightly.
5-9 people: Your life will improve to your liking.
9-14 people: You will have at least 5 surprises in the next 3 weeks
15 and above: Your life will improve drastically and everything you ever dreamed of will begin to take shape.
It must leave your hands in 6 MINUTES. Otherwise you will get a very unpleasant surprise. This is true, even if you are not superstitious, agnostic, or otherwise faith impaired.
Some times the threat will be more severe like the one (extract from another mail) below:
If you do not send this mail to anybody, your life will be a living hell.
You have 5 days to send this letter to at least 1 person.
You can send this to as many people, as you want to.
I am warning you.
Such promise of good luck or threat of divine disgrace comes along with some concocted stories, at times, stating that God appeared in the dream of some one and instructed him to spread it to all…and the chain should not be broken etc., etc.,
What is more disturbing is that people who are well educated and better qualified than the ordinary lot forward such emails. Some times I receive such emails from friends who have graduate or post-graduate degrees in law. What they are not understanding is that forwarding such mails would amount to an offence under section 508 of IPC. It reads as follows:
Section 508. Act caused by inducing person to believe that he will be rendered an object of the Divine displeasure. - Whoever voluntarily causes or attempts to cause any person to do anything which that person is not legally bound to do, or to omit to do anything which he is legally entitled to do, by inducing or attempting to induce that person to believe that he or any person in whom he is interested will become or will be rendered by some act of the offender an object of Divine displeasure if he does not do the thing which it is the object of the offender to cause him to do, or if he does the thing which it is the object of the offender to cause him to omit, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.
Some high courts have interpreted the provision very narrowly by emphasising more on the words “by some act of the offender”. According to the said interpretation, no act would amount to an offence under this provision unless there is an attempt to induce the person to believe that “he or any person in whom he is interested… will be rendered by some act of the offender an object of Divine displeasure” (emphasis supplied). According to this interpretation, mere act of forwarding such mails would not amount to an offence. But to construe so, is to render the words “will become or” meaningless. Thus, if construed in proper perspective, such act of forwarding emails carrying threat of divine disgrace would amount to an offence under this provision.
Forwarding such emails may be an innocuous or innocent act but what is to be noted is that “ignorance of law is not excusable”. An offence is an offence whether done with or without the knowledge of law. Even an illiterate cannot plead ignorance of law. How about ignorance of law by law graduates and post-graduates!
Whether one considers act of forwarding such mails as an offence or not, such acts certainly falls below the constitutionally expected standard of behaviour. Constitution imposes a duty on every citizen, inter alia, “to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of enquiry and reform” [Article 51-A (h)]. Spreading superstition by threatening the receiver of email that he/she will be subjected to divine disgrace unless the same mail is forwarded to others is contrary to the constitutional expectation that one shall develop the scientific temper, spirit of enquiry and reform.
Religious belief and faith in god is one thing, spreading superstition is yet another. The former has been accorded the status of fundamental right in the Constitution of India, whereas the latter is contrary to the fundamental duties imposed on the citizens. One should not mislead the innocents who are God fearing also.
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Baldev Singh v. State of Punjab (2011): Blurring the category of 'Special and Adequate Reasons'
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Taking judicial note of ‘compromise in gang rape cases’: Can it be a mitigating factor?
Section 376 (1) of the Indian Penal Code provides that an offender of rape shall be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than seven years but which may be for life or for a term which may extend to ten years and shall also be liable for fine. However, the statutory minimum of seven-year of imprisonment may be reduced further by the court under the proviso to clause (1) if there are “adequate and special reasons” in the case. However, an offence of ‘gang rape’ has been considered very grave and accordingly it has been subjected to more severe punishment under clause (2) of section 376. An offence of gang rape is “punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than ten years but which may be for life and shall also be liable to fine.” Further exception has been made in the proviso to clause (2), which states: “Provided that the court may, for adequate and special reasons to be mentioned in the judgment, impose a sentence of imprisonment of either description for a term of less than ten years”.
There exists sentencing discretion under section 376. Judicial discretion has to be exercised on sound reasoning. Where there exists sentencing discretion, necessarily all the aggravating and mitigating factors have to be fully taken into consideration in passing an order on sentencing. Even in exercising the judicial discretion under proviso to clause (2) of section 376, it is imperative that the courts should take into account all the aggravating and mitigating factors and only when the mitigating factors are found “adequate and special”, punishment can be reduced to less than statutory minimum of 10 years.
In Baldev Singh v. State of Punjab (supra), the apex court reduced the punishments imposed on the convicts of gang rape taking into account three factors: (i) that the parties have entered into compromise and they wanted to put an end to the dispute; (ii) that the incident is very old. It had taken place 14 years back, and (iii) the appellants (i.e., rapists) and prosecutrix are married (not to each other). Can these factors be considered as “adequate and special reasons” to reduce the punishment below statutory minimum?
In our country where judicial delay is not uncommon, the fact that the incident took place 14 years back may not be considered so special. Further the reason that the prosecutrix (and even the offenders in this case) has married to some one else and has two children seems to be extraneous and cannot be considered a special reason either. It partly echo’s the earlier decision of the Supreme Court in Ram Kumar v. State of Haryana [(2006) 4 SCC 347]. The third and the most important factor is compromise between victim and rapists. Can the court take judicial note of such a compromise notwithstanding the fact that the offence of rape is not compoundable?
This is an issue that requires much thought and deeper reflections. Perhaps, laying down hard and fast rule in this regard would not leave any scope for flexibility even to an extent it is desirable in exceptional cases. However, having regard to the facts and circumstances of the instant case, where the prosecutrix had been gang raped and beaten up by the rapists, it seems inappropriate to take judicial note of compromise reached by them after several years. It is important to note that compromise was reached not between the parties (as the court said) but between a complainant and convicts. It was reached not at the stage when the case was at the stage of trial; not even when the appeal was pending before the high court but when the further appeal was pending before the Supreme Court - nearly 14 years after the incident. It is not clear as to under what circumstances victim has consented for compromise after such a long time. Without having regard to these factors, the Supreme Court commuted the sentence to the period already undergone by the convicts (i.e., 3 ½ years). Thus, none of the reasons stated in the judgment seem to be “adequate and special” so as to warrant punishment less than statutory minimum. Such an approach adopted by the court in sentencing doesn’t serve the objectives of criminal justice system. However, this decision once again stresses the need for formulating ‘sentencing policy’, which can guide the exercise of sentencing discretion.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Racist Ideology of Indian Supreme Court: More on Graham Staines Case
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Rethinking Aamir Khan's 3 Idiots
Where is the life we have lost in living?
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?... T.S. Eliot
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Candlelight that never glittered for Hemraj
Friday, February 11, 2011
Binayak Sen denied Bail by High Court...Justice in Tears!
I feel that it is the right moment that we need to re-evoke the vanishing Gandhian consciousness against the text and interpretation put to section 124-A of IPC. Having said that, I must confess that I find it difficult, if not completely fail, to agree with the hyper-globalizing media activities to oppose the denial of bail by way pressing a button on our mobile phones! This sort of 'sms-justice' (almost obscenely eulogized in the rcent Bollywood flick No One Killed Jessica) can hardly lead us anywhere in the pursuit of justice . What great purpose save a venting of frustration can be served by ‘issuing 'sms'-es’? I fail to see myself more than a human rights hysteric guided by the 24 x 7 media consciousness (to evoke the very apposite invocations of Upendra Baxi) in being part of collective 'sms' writings. And issued to whom – Media? And what serious purpose do we sincerely feel it will serve save some appeasement of anger that engulfs us?
But if I see any hope in, or any role of, intellectuals (especially legal academia) in this moment of Historic time then I see it in developing an acumen of asking right questions rather than plunging into action. The counter-productivity of too-much-action can be best illustrated by this oft-quoted instance: When a number of people were protesting against the Bush Administration for invasion of Iraq and they came on roads and shouted slogans, what did Bush said? He said that “This is great...That is why we are invading Iraq so that their people can also protest against the rulers there as well”! This is not to say demean the activistic potential but just to emphasise on the subtle way establishment can co-opt the language of protest as the justification to do what is protested!
I implore everyone need to think and find ways to address the issue. I feel that our seriousness demands that we should not end up wasting our effort nor let die down the anger by indulging in trivialities. I honestly feel the role of intellectuals today is to make a serious distinction between human rights hystericism and human rights activism.